Access a wealth of information about Creaform’s portable 3D measurement solutions and 3D engineering services.


Go deep into the world of metrology and 3D scanning with Creaform’s latest webinars that will help you tackle any 3D measurement challenge.

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Elevating Engineering and Manufacturing with Portable 3D Scanning

Embark on a transformative journey in the world of 3D scanning as we introduce Creaform’s new HandySCAN SILVER and BLACK scanner models in our upcoming webinar.

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Enhance quality control confidence and productivity with our latest 3D scanning innovations

Experience the future of 3D scanning with Creaform’s MetraSCAN BLACK+ and Automation Kit in our exclusive new webinar. Learn more about the latest best practices in advanced quality control as we unveil the transformative features of these superior 3D scanning solutions.

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HandySCAN MAX and VXintegrity: a revolution in corrosion inspection on large parts

The new HandySCAN 3D|MAX Series is optimized for scanning very large industrial components and boasts sub-millimeter precision, making it the perfect scanner for corrosion analysis on oversized components.


Explore how of our customers use 3D scanning solutions to optimize their manufacturing and quality control processes, maximize productivity, and achieve better bottom-line results.

Navigating the Shift to Automated Manufacturing with 3D Scanning

Explore how manufacturers can overcome the challenges of automation complexity, cost misconceptions, and skill gaps with strategic 3D scanning solutions.

Electrifying an Aircraft Using 3D Scanning and Augmented Reality

The aeronautics industry is without question a dynamic sector of activity where progress takes place at breakneck pace and where the players in the field have to deal with remarkable technological advances that follow each other at increasingly shorter intervals.

Conquest, Innovation and Industrial Robustness

There are industries and manufacturing processes that, even though they rely on technology, innovation and progress, have one foot in the past and one foot in the future. It’s namely the case of infrastructure companies such as water conveyance systems manufacturers.