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When it comes to quality control of complex parts, the combination of 3D scanning and probing is a great alternative. If you add the benefits of optical CMM systems to it, you end up with the most complete and powerful inspection solution. In fact, the optical CMM will allow accurate measurement, scanning and probing, regardless of the environment conditions, the level of experience of the user and the quality of the set-up.
This webinar shows how a simple 3D optical inspection solution makes it possible to computerize the alignment phase and guarantee reliability of the entire measuring process.
The webinar main features:
Dimensional inspection always requires high accuracy data, even with larger parts, moulds or tooling, and the measurement system used must deliver such accuracy.
Creaform invites you to its webinar on the newly-released MetraSCAN optical CMM 3D scanner.
It's your chance to get live information about the most accurate solution on the market for shop floor applications and metrology lab inspection.
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