Non-destructive testing (NDT)

Non-destructive testing (NDT) is an inspection and analysis technique used by the oil and gas industry, among others, to evaluate the properties of pipelines without destroying the serviceability of the original system. Surface corrosion, mechanical damages, and cracks are the most common discontinuities detected by visual examinations.

As NDT managers or project engineers working for a service company, you supervise the team of technicians in charge of collecting data during the pipeline inspections. You must verify and analyze the results to provide the pipeline owner with the right diagnosis. For you, inaccurate and unreliable measurements could lead to faulty analysis that can have important consequences.

As integrity managers or engineers working for a pipeline owner, you are responsible for evaluating and maintaining the integrity of aging pipeline networks. The decision to repair a section of the pipeline or to challenge the diagnosis provided by the service company is under your authority. Thus, to ensure the pipeline’s integrity and reliability, you must make the right decision, based on information that you trust.

Creaform Solution

With Creaform’s handheld 3D scanners and pipeline assessment software, you can trust the data collected during pipeline inspections. Measurements are accurate and reliable, regardless of the operator’s experience and skills. This way, you can get the right diagnosis and make the right repair decision.

Accurate, user-independent, simple, and fast 3D scanning tools and software are the solutions to fulfill your goals and overcome your challenges.

  • Accuracy:

    With accurate and repeatable results, regardless of the measurement setup quality, environmental instabilities, and user experience, the measurements have never been more reliable.
  • User-Independence:

    Since 3D scanning is not a technique but a tool, the results are independent of how the measurements are taken and how skilled technicians are.
  • Simplicity:

    With plug-and-play devices, user-friendly interfaces, preconfigured parameters, and predefined workflows, operators can take measurements quickly and reliably.
  • Speed:

    With the highest measurement rate and easy setup, the scan-to-results occurs in minutes, saving precious acquisition and analysis time.

Applications Example


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3D Scanning Technology to Meet and Exceed the Evolving Demands of Modern Agriculture

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Finding a reliable inspection method for assessing external corrosion on complex geometries

Risk Management of Aging Infrastructure

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